February 11, 2020

Site Rules:
The violation of these rules will result in warnings and suspensions. For more information about the site, please see the FAQ.

  1. Do not post pro self-harm content.
    1. Do not give or ask for advice on how to self-harm or how to commit suicide.
    2. Do not encourage people to self harm or commit suicide.
    3. No photos or videos of committing self-harm.
    4. Do not post links to pro self-harm/suicide/ED content.

    Note: We do allow self-centered pro self-harm content. More information about this can be found here.

  2. You must be age 18 or over to use this site.
    1. There are legacy users from before this rule was put in place in July 2020 who are minors.

  3. Sexual content is only allowed in the verified 18+ category.

  4. No discussion on pedophilic thoughts, or thoughts about harming other people with intent.

  5. Do not steal the content of other users.
    1. Do not download or screenshot anything on the site.
    2. Do not copy the text of anything on the site.
    3. Do not post any content that isn't yours.

    Note: You are allowed copy the content of other users with their permission. We strongly suggest for permission to be granted on the site (for example, via PMs).

  6. Do not post pro ED content (including body checks, calorie numbers, and weight numbers) and blood-loss numbers

  7. Your profile content must be safe for work.
    1. Your profile picture, banner, and about me must not include any self-harm.
    2. Your profile picture, banner, and about me must not include any sexual content.
    3. Your profile picture, banner, and about me must not include slurs.

  8. You must be civil.
    1. Do not harass other users; this includes attacks on marginalised people and the use of slurs.
    2. Do not post topics which encourage arguments.

  9. Do not give any personal information in public topics.
    1. Do not post your full name publicly.
    2. Do not post your address publicly.
    3. Do not post your social media outside the verified 18+ category and PMs.

  10. You must organise your posts.
    1. You must tag your topics when necessary.
    2. Do not post on topics which are more than 3 months old.

  11. Moderators are allowed to delete and edit anything to their own discretion.

If you have any questions about these rules, please message a staff member.